June 2023
June 15th, 2023 - 8:30 - 9:30 AM
"Compost production, usage, and benefits along with organic cropping systems from Hirzel Farms"
Join us virtually or in person for the Agribusiness Forum!
Brigette Burgess is going on her 11th year at Hirzel Farms and works in sales and purchasing. Over her time with Hirzel, she quickly fell in love with organic farming and the growers in our community. Her responsibilities shifted to reaching out and providing organic and conventional growers with cover crops, compost, and markets for their crops. This includes soil health studies with Hirzels compost and cover crops with Ohio State and private consultants.
Her presentation will cover Hirzels compost facility and their uses of compost, the grain cleaning facility that is FDA registered and soon to be FSMA certified, and their organic farm and rotation with the use of cover crops.
This is a event is free to attend, but registration is required to attend virtually or in person.