May 2023
May 18th, 2023 - 8:30 - 9:30 AM
"Does My Hive Have Good Genes?" - a presentation on Beekeeping focused on the latest research
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“Does My Hive Have Good Genes?” – a presentation on Beekeeping focused on the latest research
Michelle Wallace is the Central State University Agriculture & Natural Resource Extension Educator for Northwest Ohio. She has been with Central State for over 2 years. Prior to this, she worked for North Carolina State University Extension Service as the Durham County Horticulture Agent for over 10 years. She has over 25 years of related work experience. As a Central State University Extension Educator, she provides outreach education and support to beginning farmers (those with less than 10 years of experience), alternative agriculture, and underserved populations. Michelle grew up on a Kibbutz in Israel where she worked alongside her dad in the Kiwi vineyards and apple orchards. Michelle participated in the Northwest Ohio beekeeping internship training during the pandemic. While more of a beginning beekeeper, she will share information about the research being done at Central State to improve bee genetics.
This is a event is free to attend, but registration is required to attend virtually or in person.