Our Partners
We are working to reduce food and packaging waste
Sustainable packaging can look like many things but at the core it needs to be an optimized, measured and validated solution. It must consider the balance of social, economic and ecological concerns while delivering a safe and protected product. It should be accountable from the beginning to end of its life cycle, and finding a place in the circular value chain.
We’re proud of our strong foundation in material science. With experience in mono-material transitions,bio-based and compostable alternatives, and mold- inhibiting active packaging, we are moving beyond research and prototypes into full-scale production.
Our Ohio-based consortium is driving upstream innovation, with access to transformative materials, processing technologies and infrastructure investments. With the support of a state-of-the-art flexible film R&D center and leading edge pilot and production lines, we are developing market- ready solutions.
Whether you’re a producer of CPGs, an industrial food supplier, a QSR, or any food industry stakeholder, our team has extensive experience in identifying and evaluating materials and design that can meet ESG goals, state and national directives and voluntary commitments.
We are Material Converters, Packaging Manufacturers, Researchers, Food Processors, Marketing Consultants & Product and Process Innovators.
As packaging is evaluated, we have these criteria in focus:
- Benefits individuals and communities throughout its life cycle
- Meets market standards for performance and cost
- Optimizes use of renewable or recycled materials
- Manufactured using clean technologies and best practices
- Designed for efficient use of materials and energy
- Recovered and used in closed-loop cycles when possible
Recognitions and Awards
Grant Awards
- SFPI awarded funds to research PET mono-material transformations for recyclability.
- Accelerator Award funded to explore bio-based polymers.
Project of the Year
- Plastilene Group recognized for regional investments in research and development.
Platinum Level Achievement
- SoFresh reached the platinum level in Dow’s Packaging Innovation Awards.
Get in touch to learn more